Connecting with higher dimensional information to facilitate healing

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Meet Your Coach

Meet Becca Price, your coach

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Rooted in Spirit

I’m Becca
I am a spiritual healer, with a soul purpose to connect with higher dimensional information to facilitate healing. My Rooted in Spirit healing space is located in San Diego, CA’s Kensingto

Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) combines powerful vibration and tones to induce your immediate relaxation. Introducing sound waves directly into the body is such a strong treatment that clients report effects ranging from deep relaxation to a meditative state, allowing self-healing to occur.
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Vibrational Sound Therapy Meditation

I used to say "once a nurse, always a nurse," because even when I stopped actively working as a bedside nurse, I was nearly always responding to one crisis or another in my circle of friends and family. I assumed this was because of my nursing training. However, a longing for a deeper way to connect and support my community - and the burn-out associated with never having been trained in ways to manage energy - led me to study energy healing.  In my studies I have come to see the reason for the frequent call to respond to others' personal crises wasn't because I was formerly a nurse, it is because I was and always have been a healer.

In 2015 I began my studies of Five Element Reiki and Shamanic Healing with Reiki Master Sara Burns at the Center for Sacred Transformations in San Diego. With Sara's support I was able to move some of my own deeply held beliefs and energetic blocks, built up in this and many other existences, allowing me to finally see the greater meaning behind my life experiences.  In April 2016, I  became an advanced Sacred Transformations® Reiki practitioner.

I established my practice, Rooted in Spirit, in 2016. Since then, I have studied energy healing, shamanic practices, and the Ascension process with many teachers including Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing with Sandra Ingerman. By combining my ongoing exploration and study with hundreds of hours spent with clients, I continue to expand into a deeper understanding of multidimensionality and our individual soul expressions as part of the Human Collective.

Every session begins by establishing and deepening our connection to Gaia-our roots. As the healing session continues, we move that healing energy from Gaia through our bodies and connect to higher dimensional information and light-our spirits. In this way, your original soul’s intention or blueprint becomes more apparent, allowing a balancing of energies. I can help you in my Rooted in Spirit healing space, or remotely via the quantum field.