Hypnosis Isn't What You Thought it Would Be
Hypnosis is a method that can heal you in many ways. It takes you into deep relaxation and helps you focus. Hypnosis therapists guide you with repetition, verbal cues, and imagery. The intense focus enables you to ignore distractions which cause you to be more open to guided suggestions. You can access memories you keep out of your consciousness and positively reconstruct traumatic memories.
- Author:
- Ada Merriman
- Date:
- April 8 2023
Hypnosis helps with mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and PTSD. It helps with pain control as well. Some examples are burns, childbirth, cancer, and even help with symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes. It helps with behavioral change and quitting unhealthy habits like smoking. It can improve sleep as well.
How hypnosis works:
1. A certified hypnosis therapist will screen you to see if you're susceptible to hypnosis. About 2⁄3 of adults are.
2. You will discuss what sensory experiences make you feel the safest.
3. The therapist will guide you to conjure that imagery to make your physical surroundings disappear.
4. For some, the changes you want to make will happen in just one session; for others, it's a regular part of your mental health routine.
5. The state of relaxation you reach during hypnosis can be similar to the state of relaxation you reach during meditation, except it makes you more receptive to suggestions instead of focusing on the present moment.
6. After the treatment, stress reduction exercises are recommended.
7. For PTSD, your therapist will help you identify your triggers and expose you to small amounts of trauma-related distress to reduce reactions to the triggers.
During hypnosis, there are some things you should expect. When in a receptive state, your therapist will suggest ways to achieve your goals. They will help you visualize vivid images of you achieving your goals. You don't lose control of your behavior and usually remain aware and remember what happened. Eventually, you may be able to practice self-hypnosis.
One way to practice self-hypnosis is using the Reveri app, which will provide you with different tools. There are also simple steps to practice this without a guide.
1. Get comfortable.
2. Go to a quiet place with no distractions.
3. Set your goal.
4. Find something in your line of sight on which to focus.
5. Breathe slowly and deeply through our mouth.
6. Continue to relax by closing your eyes, breathing slowly, concentrating on your breath, and imagining each exhale carrying out the tension in your body.
7. Visualize your "happy place" and spend some time there.
8. Use the mantra, "I am calm and at peace."
9. Move onto your goal, start visualizing, and focus on every detail.
10. Affirm your goal.
11. Let your body return to normal, then wake yourself up by counting back from 10.
Hypnosis is a low-risk practice that may work for you. A risk is that it can cause strong emotions and possibly create false memories when dealing with mental health. I believe that it is worth it to try it. You can also use guided videos on youtube along with the Reveri app if you're struggling to do this on your own. It is a great way to make the switch to a healthier lifestyle.
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