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The Healing Powers of Words of Affirmation

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Everyone feels down sometimes, but not everyone does something about it. Words of affirmation are a great way to improve your mood and manifest positivity. Words of affirmation can help you overcome self-doubt, insecurities, self-sabotage, fear, helplessness, and worthlessness. You can say these phrases out loud or in your head to build yourself up.

Ada Merriman

November 13 2023

Everyone feels down sometimes, but not everyone does something about it. Words of affirmation are a great way to improve your mood and manifest positivity. Words of affirmation can help you overcome self-doubt, insecurities, self-sabotage, fear, helplessness, and worthlessness. You can say these phrases out loud or in your head to build yourself up.

Doing affirmations is a way to help yourself in difficult situations and overcome your negative thoughts. For this exercise to be successful, you need to find out what phrases work best for you. Don't worry if figuring out what affirmations are best for you takes time. This process is entirely normal. 

It is essential when doing this to avoid toxic positivity. Toxic positivity is when you feel pressured only to display positive emotions. Suppressing negative emotions, feelings, or reactions can invalidate you. This act can lead to unhealthy behaviors and cause more stress and sadness in your life. Suppression can also cause you to take your feelings out on others. A few examples of toxic affirmation are "good vibes only," "it could be worse," "ignore all negativity," and "just think happy thoughts." These affirmations aren't realistic because there are so many factors you can't control. These affirmations are also unproductive because it isn't specific to your situation. 

Try to say affirmations that are specific to what you're going through. It is vital to acknowledge hardship as well. If you are saying positive things, it could make you feel worse when you don't feel better. 

Examples of positive affirmations that are productive:

  • "My busy life is stressful, but I understand that not everything can be perfect, and I will continue to do my best."
  • "It is normal to have uncomfortable feelings."
  • "I know I am strong and can handle what is happening."
  • "I've survived situations like this before. I can survive this situation."
  • "I am capable of making it through this situation."
  • "I can let go of any resentment I have towards others holding me back."
  • "Today, I will focus on what I am grateful for."

You can use one of these phrases, one you find online somewhere else, or come up with your own. Remember, this exercise is supposed to help improve your mood and motivate you. If you are doing this consistently and aren’t seeing any progress, try new phrases. It is also important to stay consistent with this. Make sure to say out loud, in your head, or write in your favorite notebook words of affirmation every day.  

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