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The Neurochemistry of Growth

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The combination of stillness and gratitude creates a unique neurochemical signature that results in the release of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. These neurochemicals play a crucial role in driving forward while maintaining a sense of happiness and self-contentment.

April 18 2023

Breath plays a fundamental role in achieving stillness and gratitude. Through intentional breathing exercises, such as reduced breathing meditation, one can experience a sense of air hunger and discomfort, which can be further relaxed into. This process improves oxygen exchange, calms the nervous system, and increases CO2 tolerance.

By associating an elevated positive emotion with controlled stressors, such as breath-hold exercises and workouts, individuals can change their "attitude" towards these activities. This shift in perspective results in a positive association with hard work and controlled stressors, making them more attractive and desirable because individuals choose to view them as positive.

While it may still be difficult, the positive association with hard work and controlled stressors provides individuals with a sense of control over their experiences. This control enables individuals to approach difficult tasks with a more positive outlook, promoting growth and progress.

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Sometimes we need help from a guide. With We Move to Heal you get a Nature Guide that is there to help you identify the skills you may need to get through this time in your journey. The Nature Guide is there to help you see the skills and talents your forgot you have within you. Nature Guides help to understand that when we are together we are stronger. Understanding the strengths you possess helps to equippe you to take on whatever comes your way.