We will explore the practice of gratitude journaling and its profound impact on mental health. Whether you are a woman, man, parent, or coach, incorporating gratitude into your life can bring transformative benefits.
Read more about Gratitude Journaling: A Step-by-Step GuideEveryone feels down sometimes, but not everyone does something about it. Words of affirmation are a great way to improve your mood and manifest positivity. Words of affirmation can help you overcome self-doubt, insecurities, self-sabotage, fear, helplessness, and worthlessness.
Read more about The Healing Powers of Words of AffirmationConnecting with nature is essential for your well-being. Nature has an incredible ability to heal, rejuvenate, and restore us in multiple ways. From reducing stress to enhancing creativity, here's how you can harness the power of nature to improve your mental and physical health.
Picture this: you've had a long, grueling day, and your feet are pleading for a break. Your shoulders feel permanently stuck in a shrugged position, and your jaw is locked. It's as if tension has set up camp in your body, and you're the unwilling host.
Read more about Elevate Your Well-Being with the Foot and Breathe SymphonyA yoga practice can help you both on and off your mat. While the physical practice of yoga can help increase flexibility and build strength, there are countless ways a yoga practice can help off the mat, too. Here are some of my favorites:
Read more about The Benefits of Yoga, Your Daily Mood BoostExercising in nature is my favorite form of self-care. I try to get outside even when the weather isn’t ideal because being in nature energizes me. Walking or running, I pay attention to my surroundings because that is the whole point of being outside.
Read more about Momentos of Nature; The Pebble BottleWhen people think of exercise, they usually think about going to the gym or a workout class. But many different forms of exercise contribute to your physical and mental health. You can focus on breathing or other methods, such as progressive muscle relaxation.
"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." Rachel Carson
Read more about Bring Nature Into Your WorkoutTea is a ritual, an art that nourishes the soul. Tea is a gentle reminder to slow down and savor the moment. Integrating tea into your daily routine is a healthy habit that encourages mindfulness and elevates one's self-care practice.
Exercise is everywhere. You hear about the benefits of exercise for health, mind, and spirit in the news, on social media, and even from your doctor or therapist.
Read more about Unlocking the Power of Simplicity: Embracing Exercise Without the OverwhelmIn an ideal world, you can spend thirty to sixty minutes on your yoga mat daily. It’s essential to recognize that not every day will be a “spend 30-60 minutes on your yoga mat” kind of day.
Read more about Yoga For Everyday“It never gets easier, you just get better.” -Unknown
Read more about SRT Run 30 Miler